Support Ukraine Now!

Support Ukraine Now!

Provide Direct Military Assistance to Ukraine

Petícia je adresovaná: Government of Canada

Immediately provide further lethal weapons and supplies to the defence of Ukraine. Immediately urge NATO allies and Ukraine-friendly countries to close the airspace over Ukraine. Deploy peacekeeping troops in Ukraine, provide direct military assistance to Kyiv and support the Ukrainian people.
Support a No Fly Zone in Ukraine

Petícia je adresovaná: Government of Canada

Support Ukraine in the defence of its sovereign territories, including support to enforce a no fly zone.
People Around the World Ask NATO to Close the Airspace over Ukraine

Petícia je adresovaná: NATO

We, people around the world, are asking NATO member states and Ukraine-friendly countries to close the airspace over Ukraine and deploy peacekeeping troops in Ukraine, provide military assistance to Kyiv and support the Ukrainian people.
The Will and Courage to Stand Up to the Russian Threat to World Peace

Petícia je adresovaná: United Nations

Former leaders of sixteen countries of a wide geographic region have signed a joint statement urging the international community to take effective action to prevent further escalation of Russia’s eight year long undeclared war on Ukraine into a large scale military conflict in Europe.
The World Needs an Honest American Russia Policy

Petícia je adresovaná: US government

The world cannot afford another American “reset” with Russia. As long as the Kremlin deliberately undermines the global security order, it should be treated as other rogue nations that threaten world peace. We can stop Putin together. We appeal to the United States to regain its will to protect world democracy.


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